NaQish collection pt.1
Tuesday, June 14, 2011 | 9:24 PM | 0 Strawberry
it has been a while since i 'pause' blogging~
you know why..?
seeing others have their own biz,
ive been wondering..
how bout me?
no time..?
uhuh.. NOPE! BANYAK mase lah! (not really~)
im gonna try this one..
ta daaaa....!
'tudung online'
insyaAllah harga berpatutan..
do compare to others! ^_^
see through okay!
this is juz a start..
so, the size, design may not vary at this moment
insyaAllah i'll improve in the future..
sila tengok2.. ^_^
tapi semuanya limited~
Bawal 45' Sulam Batik
RM50 sahaja
Bawal 45' Sulam Batik
kod : B4SB HA
warna : hijau kekuningan
harga : RM50
status : SOLD OUT
Bawal 45' Sulam Batik
kod : B4SB PP
warna : purple pink
harga : RM50
status : SOLD OUT
Bawal 45' Sulam Batik
kod : B4SB G
warna : kelabu
harga : RM50
status : SOLD OUT
check out for other tudung that will be updated soon.. ^_^
happy shopping!